
Big club, small teams

We are the largest interim, consultancy and project management company in the Netherlands. But it never feels too big. We believe in the power of team spirit. Together you can achieve more, get better, stay sharper, discover your new paths, discover new matches and improve performance. That is why we work in compact teams, built around a field, a sector or an innovation.

Great Place to Work

Als Team EIFFEL kunnen wij bijdragen aan het welzijn van onze mensen. Zowel mentaal als fysiek. Werk speelt een belangrijke rol in het leven van onze collega’s en we streven dan ook naar optimaal werkgeluk voor iedereen. Door opdrachten te zoeken die passen bij kwaliteiten, drijfveren, ambities en waarden. Door talenten te ontplooien. Door een goede balans tussen werken en privé te stimuleren. En door sporten en vitaliteit onderdeel te laten zijn van het werken bij Team EIFFEL. Daarom hebben wij met trots het certificaat Great Place to Work ontvangen.

"I can develop myself in the best way possible here and at my own pace."




"At Balance, I have been able to develop into a highly experienced professional."


Project/Proces Manager


"In the Fagro Development Program you learn how to get people engaged in change."


Consultant II


"My current assignment is exactly what I was looking for."


Process Lead


"Getting Opportunities, Seeing Opportunities, Seizing Opportunities."


Principal Consultant Finance & Risk


Community of expertise

We are home to a huge spectrum of knowledge and different levels of experience. For top talents taking their first steps on their career path, experienced consultants who have a proven track record, and everyone in between. Once you’re part of the community, your development potential is limitless. Our companies all have their own identity, you get to discover which path best suits you. Develop yourself into a super specialist, discover the breadth of your field or get to know completely new domains. Job-hopping under the one Team EIFFEL roof means you'll never have to leave.


Find the job that suits you

Every company has its own career path.